23 research outputs found

    From DIADEM to BigNeuron

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    Neuromorphometric characterization with shape functionals

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    This work presents a procedure to extract morphological information from neuronal cells based on the variation of shape functionals as the cell geometry undergoes a dilation through a wide interval of spatial scales. The targeted shapes are alpha and beta cat retinal ganglion cells, which are characterized by different ranges of dendritic field diameter. Image functionals are expected to act as descriptors of the shape, gathering relevant geometric and topological features of the complex cell form. We present a comparative study of classification performance of additive shape descriptors, namely, Minkowski functionals, and the nonadditive multiscale fractal. We found that the proposed measures perform efficiently the task of identifying the two main classes alpha and beta based solely on scale invariant information, while also providing intraclass morphological assessment

    Quantitative neuronal morphometry by supervised and unsupervised learning.

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    We present a protocol to characterize the morphological properties of individual neurons reconstructed from microscopic imaging. We first describe a simple procedure to extract relevant morphological features from digital tracings of neural arbors. Then, we provide detailed steps on classification, clustering, and statistical analysis of the traced cells based on morphological features. We illustrate the pipeline design using specific examples from zebrafish anatomy. Our approach can be readily applied and generalized to the characterization of axonal, dendritic, or glial geometry. For complete context and scientific motivation for the studies and datasets used here, refer to Valera et al. (2021)

    Avaliação histopatológica de órgãos reprodutivos e bexiga de fêmeas suínas descartadas

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    Em um sistema intensivo de produção de suínos, as falhas reprodutivas são uma das principais razões de descarte de matrizes e queda nos índices produtivos. A infecção urinária (cistite) e as endometrites são consideradas importantes causas de descarte em fêmeas suínas, por terem consequências reprodutivas relevantes e elevarem a taxa de reposição do plantel. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar o aparelho reprodutivo e a bexiga de fêmeas suínas de descarte normal de granjas, bem como investigar a existência de relação entre as patologias encontradas. Foram examinadas 79 matrizes suínas oriundas de 20 rebanhos localizados no Estado de Santa Catarina. De cada fêmea foram coletados os ovários, fragmentos de útero e bexiga. Dentre as fêmeas avaliadas, 32 (40,5%) tinham diferentes graduações de cistite, 24 (30,4%) tinham algum tipo de inflamação uterina, e 9 (11,4%) estavam em anestro, com ovários inativos. Contudo, não foi observada dependência significativa entre cistite e endometrite nas amostras analisadas

    A neuronal blueprint for directional mechanosensation in larval zebrafish.

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    Animals have a remarkable ability to use local cues to orient in space in the absence of a panoramic fixed reference frame. Here we use the mechanosensory lateral line in larval zebrafish to understand rheotaxis, an innate oriented swimming evoked by water currents. We generated a comprehensive light-microscopy cell-resolution projectome of lateralis afferent neurons (LANs) and used clustering techniques for morphological classification. We find surprising structural constancy among LANs. Laser-mediated microlesions indicate that precise topographic mapping of lateral-line receptors is not essential for rheotaxis. Recording neuronal-activity during controlled mechanical stimulation of neuromasts reveals unequal representation of water-flow direction in the hindbrain. We explored potential circuit architectures constrained by anatomical and functional data to suggest a parsimonious model under which the integration of lateralized signals transmitted by direction-selective LANs underlies the encoding of water-flow direction in the brain. These data provide a new framework to understand how animals use local mechanical cues to orient in space